SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. We as employers.

Depth. Effort. Motivation.

In-depth knowledge of the industry is obligatory. Personality is the cherry on top. The people at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE are characters. Honest, reliable and loyal towards each other. We see our clients as equals and treat each other with fairness and respect.
The people at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE have a high sense of responsibility and are persistent, they are not satisfied until the client is happy. They are invested in their job, always keep the higher goal in mind, and are always ready to think outside the box.
The people at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE are the key to our success as a company. No one uses their full potential if they’re unsatisfied with their work situation. Creating our work environment accordingly benefits our clients as well. That’s why we offer our employees creative leeway, interesting projects, flexible working hours and a fair and respectful working environment. There is a reason why our company has won several awards over the past years. Among others, we were awarded the title of High-Performance Mid-sized Business Employer of 2018 by FOCUS Magazine.
Considering joining our team? Read more about what others are saying kununu.


“We provide an environment that encourages top performances”

Sebastian Radtke
Sebastian Radtke – Geschäftsführer
Klaus Schlagheck
Klaus Schlagheck – Geschäftsführer

“You consider an applicant’s ‘cultural fit’ a very important factor when choosing candidates for a client. How would you describe the corporate culture of your own company?”
Klaus Schlagheck: I would characterize the atmosphere as one of appreciation and respect for each other. We make sure to create an environment of openness and trust among each other. And we give our employees a lot of creative leeway and let them make their own decision.
The fact that many employees have been with us for a very long time and the cordial atmosphere in the office is proof that those aren’t just empty words!

“Why should I, as a consultant, consider working for SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE?”
Sebastian Radtke: Because we offer a reliable and professional setting. Then there is the constant exchange of knowledge between employees and work-related input through training programs etc. There is hardly a question that can’t be answered by one of our colleagues, there’s always someone who already experienced a certain challenge in the past, and they gladly share their knowledge with the others. We couldn’t be further away from a dog-eat-dog situation at our offices. And then of course we offer a fair and adequate salary.

“It’s not just about the money, though. What else do you have to offer as an employer?”
Klaus Schlagheck: Our clients expect the highest degree of professionalism from us, and they should. So we have to provide the conditions at work to enable our employees to meet those expectations. Everything happens within a clearly defined structure of core processes. We also provide state of the art search tools and methods. And last but not least we make sure to have as much transparency as possible: throughout the company our employees have free access to any information they need.

“What about so-called soft factors like an individual work-life balance, for example?”
Sebastian Radtke: Working hours are negotiable and flexible. That includes working from home. It’s the result that counts, not where it was produced. Project-based work naturally fluctuates and if we expect our employees to put in more hours when we are working under a deadline we have to provide the possibility for them to take some time off too when there is less work to do.
On top of that we offer a position with a lot of potential in an ever-changing and challenging industry with a very diverse range of projects.

Julia Groer, SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE Munich office
work-life balance
Julia Groer,

“What I appreciate most is the high level of autonomy we are given with our projects, and the great work-life balance I've been enjoying at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE for ten years now.”

creative leeway
Anna Csuti,
SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE Düsseldorf office

“I enjoy amazing creative leeway, and I've had everyone's support from the very beginning. It's a very relaxed, positive and cordial atmosphere here.”