Partners to consult, partners that inspire.

Sebastian Radtke

Executive Consultant

M: s.radtke@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 89 / 45 20 57 80

Studies of law at Bayreuth University, Stuttgart (fully qualified lawyer) and Bordeaux, France (Maitrise en Droit). Worked first with an international reinsurance company and a consulting company. Since 2001 executive-consulting, since 2010 Managing Director and Executive Consultant with SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Focussed on machine building, automotive and automation industry.

Klaus Schlagheck

Executive Consultant

M: k.schlagheck@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 2

Studies of psychology at Bielefeld University and at Kansas University, US, as a Fulbright stipendiary. 20y of experience in management diagnostics, Since 2001 executive-consulting, as of 2003 head of Duesseldorf office, since 2010 Managing Director and Executive Consultant with SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE.

Anna Csuti

Executive Consultant

M: a.csuti@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 4

Studies in Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and European Business Studies in Nottingham. Since 2011 working as a personnel consultant. Since 2020 consultant at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Focus on consulting for filling specialist and management positions in internationally positioned technology and industrial companies.

Marc Knepper

Executive Consultant

M: m.knepper@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 3

Qualified banker, experienced in corporate banking. Academic degree in Arabic and Islam studies, University of Nimwegen, NL. Since 2012 Personnel Consultant with specialization in the IT/SAP-sector. Since 2018 Executive Consultant at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Here mainly recruiting specialists and managers in the IT/SAP sector.

Christian Wolfrum

Executive Consultant

M: c.wolfrum@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 1

Qualified banker and fully qualified lawyer, operational experience with Deutsche Bank and Creditreform. Since 1999 working as an Executive Consultant, as of 2010 with SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Besides responsible for some management functions at the Dusseldorf office.

Julia Groer

Senior Research

T: +49 89 / 45 20 57 80

Studied education with a focus on adult education at the University of Passau. Has worked as a researcher in personnel consulting since 2008. Working at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE since 2010.

Valeria Perevertova

Recruiter and Junior Consultant

M: v.perevertova@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 5

Studies of Journalism (B.A.) at the Lviv National University and afterwards Romance and German Studies (B.A.) at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Since 2021 working in personnel consulting, from 2024 as recruiter and junior consultant at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE.

Melanie Gehrhardt

Office Management Düsseldorf

M: duesseldorf@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 0

Janine Simons

Office Management München

M: muenchen@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 89 / 45 20 57 80

Sebastian Radtke

Executive Consultant

Sebastian Radtke

Executive Consultant

M: s.radtke@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 89 / 45 20 57 80

Studies of law at Bayreuth University, Stuttgart (fully qualified lawyer) and Bordeaux, France (Maitrise en Droit). Worked first with an international reinsurance company and a consulting company. Since 2001 executive-consulting, since 2010 Managing Director and Executive Consultant with SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Focussed on machine building, automotive and automation industry.

Klaus Schlagheck

Executive Consultant

Klaus Schlagheck

Executive Consultant

M: k.schlagheck@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 2

Studies of psychology at Bielefeld University and at Kansas University, US, as a Fulbright stipendiary. 20y of experience in management diagnostics, Since 2001 executive-consulting, as of 2003 head of Duesseldorf office, since 2010 Managing Director and Executive Consultant with SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE.

Anna Csuti

Executive Consultant

Anna Csuti

Executive Consultant

M: a.csuti@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 4

Studies in Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf and European Business Studies in Nottingham. Since 2011 working as a personnel consultant. Since 2020 consultant at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Focus on consulting for filling specialist and management positions in internationally positioned technology and industrial companies.

Marc Knepper

Executive Consultant

Marc Knepper

Executive Consultant

M: m.knepper@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 3

Qualified banker, experienced in corporate banking. Academic degree in Arabic and Islam studies, University of Nimwegen, NL. Since 2012 Personnel Consultant with specialization in the IT/SAP-sector. Since 2018 Executive Consultant at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Here mainly recruiting specialists and managers in the IT/SAP sector.

Christian Wolfrum

Executive Consultant

Christian Wolfrum

Executive Consultant

M: c.wolfrum@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 1

Qualified banker and fully qualified lawyer, operational experience with Deutsche Bank and Creditreform. Since 1999 working as an Executive Consultant, as of 2010 with SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE. Besides responsible for some management functions at the Dusseldorf office.

Julia Groer

Senior Research

Julia Groer

Senior Research

T: +49 89 / 45 20 57 80

Studied education with a focus on adult education at the University of Passau. Has worked as a researcher in personnel consulting since 2008. Working at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE since 2010.

Valeria Perevertova

Recruiter and Junior Consultant

Valeria Perevertova

Recruiter and Junior Consultant

M: v.perevertova@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 5

Studies of Journalism (B.A.) at the Lviv National University and afterwards Romance and German Studies (B.A.) at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Since 2021 working in personnel consulting, from 2024 as recruiter and junior consultant at SCHLAGHECK + RADTKE.

Melanie Gehrhardt

Office Management Düsseldorf

Melanie Gehrhardt

Office Management Düsseldorf

M: duesseldorf@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 2 132 / 51 02 17 0

Janine Simons

Office Management München

Janine Simons

Office Management München

M: muenchen@schlagheck-radtke.de
T: +49 89 / 45 20 57 80